Saturday, May 28, 2011

You’re a mom like me if…

Back when I was only an aspiring blogger I worked up a post on paper. I was sure that it was going to be my very first post and it was going to be BRILLIANT! I would think of things as I was doing dishes and add them to a list magneted to my fridge. I was cleaning through and old stack of papers today and found that old rough draft blog post and I decided to finally post it. I’ve included some of my favorite random pictures from those crazy days.

When I made this little list FOUR YEARS ago Lila was about 2 ½ and Abby and Zack were about 6 months old… life at my house was chaos. Literally.

“You’re a mom like me if…”

- Every time you pick up the house your child asks you who’s coming over!

2007-08-29 05'34'10

- You use a sippy cup (the last clean one) to get a drink because there are no more clean dishes. Or you forget the cup all together and just drink out of the sink.

- You throw things away (bibs, casserole dishes, Tupperware) rather than deal with washing them (generally after an extended stay on the dirty counter)

2007-09-21 00'14'40

- Each load of your laundry gets washed four times because you never remember to switch it to the dryer.

- Your kids aren’t hungry because “lunch” off of the floor around the high chairs fills them up.

2007-08-14 16'01'00 2

- A bath is considered cleaning the tub.

2007-08-11 19'07'00

- You measure whether a shirt is ok to wear by asking yourself if someone could believe this food, snot, spit up, etc. (or all of the above) got on you after you left the house.

- Your kids look at you weird when you do your hair or makeup.

2007-03-27 13'41'00

- Your kid says “mommy, what’s that” when she sees your hair dryer!!

- Laundry NEVER makes it to the drawers.

2007-08-16 05'05'00

- You rewash laundry because it is so wrinkled from sitting in the basket that you might as well just start over!

- You get to the grocery store parking lot and turn around and go home because the thought of going in with 3 little kids makes you want to cry. You do this more than once.

2007-09-10 001

- The next person to tell you you’ve got your hands full might get an ear full.

2007-06-14 16'41'00

- Your kid spits something out and you would rather eat it than go find a garbage.

2007-06-16 13'23'00

- You are so tired that you only realize after eating half of your PBJ that the bread is moldy and you seriously consider whether or not to keep eating…

- Blogging is your reward.

2007-06-15 10'21'00

- You just leave holiday decorations (like Easter) up all year because by the time you go to take them down it is almost time to put them up again.

2007-03-11 17'16'00

- Milk on sale gets you really excited.

2007-06-23 18'36'00

- Half of your wardrobe came from Costco (and the other half came from Walmart/Target).

2007-03-26 11'10'00 2

- Every time you get your kids dressed out of their jammies they ask “mommy, where are we going”. Your babies look at you funny and try to grab your hair when it is not in a ponytail.

2007-10-07 12'26'00

- On the day you actually do get ready your daughter insists “no Mommy, it HAS to be in a pony!” as if that is your standard uniform!

2007-10-05 002

- Your hair dryer breaks and you don’t miss it.

2007-03-09 15'39'00

- You get your hair cut and no one notices for months because it is always pulled back.

- Your standard answer of “I’m fine…” is only true 1% of the time… you’re right on the edge of sanity.

2007-02-02 14'28'00

- The toilet/bathroom will be called “the potty” forever.

- You can’t afford to get sick.

2007-05-17 12'16'00

- You love your kids like crazy.

2007-09-07 10'52'00

- While doing dishes you think, “when did we have spaghetti?” Answer… A LONG TIME AGO!!!

- One of your very best friends is 3 feet tall and you never knew you could laugh so hard at such a little person.

2007-05-09 12'34'00

- The smile of a baby makes all the stress ok.

- Your favorite sound in the whole word is your child’s laugh.

Friday, May 6, 2011


2011-05-06 dandelion 085
With the awesome explosion of Spring lately, my kids have renewed their fascination with dandelions.
A few years ago my mom took the kids shopping right before Mothers Day and let them pick out anything they wanted for me. Lila picked out these cute little vases and these days they are constantly filled with the little (wilting) yellow treasures.
I’ve been thinking about these little yellow “weeds” a bit lately.
2011-05-06 dandelion 027
I can’t help but remember a poem I wrote in 1995, back when I used to fancy myself a poet. I dug my old poetry scrapbook out today. It’s a simple little poem, but I thought I’d share my little treasure with you.
2011-05-06 dandelion 072
those little yellow tokens of love
are just weeds,
to the ignorant.
but in the eyes of a child,
they are priceless,
gifts from God
for a loving mother.
-by Emily Haws
April 30, 1995

2011-05-06 dandelion 018
2011-05-06 dandelion 054