Friday, August 31, 2007

My favorite pictures

At the risk of posting too much stuff today, I wanted to put up a few of my favorite pictures of the kids. Isn't it amazing how much you love your own kids (especially when they're sleeping!!)

My Lila Bean...

My sweet Abby...

My little man Zack...

Thanks to Johnny's brother Robert for this awesome picture of Lila on the beach. He always seems to capture the most amazing shots!


  1. Em, I love the pictures. The one of your whole family has definite Christmas Card appeal. I bet with your new camera it is a)going to be hard to ever pick a 'Christmas Card' picture again and b)we can all expect wonderful pictures on your blog. yippe!

    Now, having heard of the Russ family practice of growing out their facial hair and then shaving it into nasty mustashes etc. I was thrilled, and I mean thrilled, to see Jhonny in all his glory. I KNOW my brothers would do this too, if only they could grow facial hair. (Please don't tell them that I told you, it might hurt their manhood.)
    SO FUNNY! And terribly cool!

    Keep it coming, Em! It is grand!

  2. I love your blog, Emily! Good work!

  3. Your babies are so stinkin' cute! And Lila is gorgeous!! She's so grown up, Em!

    Welcome to the world of blogging. Glad to have you in it!

  4. This.Is.So.Awesome. I love that you have a blog now! These pics are really great...please be sure to post often as to not upset your blog audience...which definitely includes me now.


  5. EMILY!

    I haven't been good at commenting on the spot with this TOTALLY AWESOME BLOG, but I must say that it's already one of my favorites. Welcome to the official blogging world!!!

    Can I just saw how hilarious it is that your first post is on Oct 28, 2004??? As in almost THREE YEARS AGO??? That is just too funny.

    I too love the handlebar mustache shot of Johnny and the beach pic of Lila and everything else. With your awesome camera now... I'm with Liza. We can all expect FABULOUS photos. :)

    Love the blog. Love all your comments on my blog. I'll try to reciprocate!

  6. I love those pictures! Your kids are getting so big! I truly do love your blog though. I updated the Haws family blog too, so check that out, Em. Love you lots and miss you like crazy! Tami

    P.S. When I talked to Lila today she told me again that she doesn't know her letters... you better teach her!
