Saturday, January 5, 2008

Kids Say The Darndest Things

Ever since Lila started talking she has been making us laugh. Fortunately, Emily had the good idea to put a poster up on the wall and write down some of the funniest and sweetest quotes. Here are a few of our favorites to whet your appetite.

"When you sneeze you say 'bless you' but when you throw up you say 'what's wrong?'"

"Mommy, I'm feeling overwhelmed! Are you feeling overwhelmed?" (said while crying a few months after the twins were born...)

"My bagel went into my belly and my other bagel just said 'HI!!' like that."

"When you don't say 'Amen' people just still keep their heads down." (said during the middle of a prayer)

"I don't like to sleep because it makes me soooo tired!"

Check out our poster for the last 7 or 8 months for all the rest. I split it up into fourths so it would be easier to read, but you will still need to click on the pieces to get a close up view. Please share your favorite picks in the comments.


  1. I don't think I can possibly pick a favorite....of course I love the ones that I was there for. She is such a little smartie pants. And just so you know Em I copy everything you do...I am sure I will do this someday. You find such good ways to parent and make memories. Ok my favorites:
    --Johnny you are expensive to mommy and me.
    --Write Sam MITT Romney
    --No people don't wait, they say Mommy and Mommy's come! (really emily didn't you know this)

  2. The quote board is a great idea. Em, didn't we have one of these hanging up on the wall at the good 'ol Rege? I think we did, always fun to read.

  3. hi russ family! i found your blog and have had fun reading about your family. remember us from wymount? your kids are so cute! this is a great idea and i will be finding a place for a poster in our home as soon as our babe starts talking!
    shaun and cheramie smith

  4. She is soooo funny! My favorite has to be "I want another choking hazard." But a lot of them made me laugh out loud. Hilarious.

  5. She is the smartest and funniest 3 year old in the world!! i'm dying of laughter here! i'm so glad you write these all down, em. You're brilliant! and your twins are adorable! you are such a great mom, they're all so lucky to have you and johnny!!!!

  6. I just wanted to say hi and copy what everyone else has said. You are such a cute and fun family. We miss you here in Hooper. I was at your families house yesturday and I thought how much I missed you. It is very fun to keep up on your life through the blog.

  7. I just LOVE the snow pictures!! It's so weird here in FL where it's always warm!! I copied your quote idea---- yours are SO adorable! I love the Amen comment in the prayer! How cute. I can hear her little voice in my head. Oh and the pictures of the first hair cut... I did exactly the same thing with Jacob (though his hair wasnt quite as long) and also cried! It's so fun to see your adorable family. My kids miss Lila and the twins. Love you! Andrea
