Saturday, March 15, 2008

A Fish Called 'I Don't Know'

We had a special fish bowl (thanks Ben and Cassi), so we decided we would make our first venture into the pet world by letting Lila get a fish.

On the ride home from the pet store.

Johnny: Do you like your fish, Lila?
Lila: I got a boy fish. That would be silly for a little girl to get a girl fish. I love my boy fish!

Later that day.

Emily: Lila, how about naming your fish, Fin? That is a good fish name.
Lila: No, I already picked a name.
Emily: Oh, you did? What name did you pick?
Lila: I don't know.
Emily: I thought you said you picked a name.
Lila: I did!
Emily: What is it?
Lila: I don't know!
Emily: Ohhh, you mean you want to call him 'I don't know'?
Lila: Yes, his name is 'I don't know'.

A few days later.

Johnny: Why isn't that true?
Lila: I don't know?
Johnny: Its not true because of your fish?
Lila: No! My fish knows everything!
Johnny: That's funny that you have a fish named 'I don't know' that knows everything.

Fortunately, with such a knowledgeable fish in the house, all of our kids have been practicing their fish talk.


  1. Your kids are so cute! I love the part where Johnny says "That's funny you have a fish named 'I don't know' that knows everything." Lila's hair is so long! Can't wait to see you guys in a few weeks! (BTW, this is Shawnee.)

  2. Aaagh! Those are the cutest fish faces! I love the twins trying to suck their cheeks in (and not quite getting it).

  3. LOL, Lila says the funniest things. They are all so cute. Love the pictures.

  4. UUMMM I think you guys are copying us, we have a blue beta that has also been deemed a boy fish, except he has a real name "Tyrone".
    Lila really is so clever and funny and her hair is so long. Are you guys going to Utah?

  5. What a funny post! I can't believe you have a fish with the name "I don't know". How funny! I LOVE the fish faces at the bottom. I especially like how Abby has done the fish face! Thanks for sharing your new pet with us! I hope I don't know likes living at the Russ home!

  6. What marvelous fish faces! Lila should have her own comedy show. I can only imagine that you Em are the one who taught her to be so funny. :)

  7. I'm glad "I don't know" is still alive. Good job Lila! The three little fish faces are cute too. Isn't it fun having little kids.

  8. I love Lila's long hair. It's so pretty in that photo of her feeding I Don't Know.

  9. would you stop posting such cute stuff. It is like reading a book or turning on the tv. So entertaining. And it makes the rest of us (ok just me) and our posts seem like a 3rd grader wrote them. Lila says the best stuff. I would just like to borrow her for a few days. Do you want to send her to visit me and Josh? Please...

  10. That is a great name for a fish! I have been thinking about getting Kens a fish. I love the kids fish faces, so cute.

  11. how fun! i have thought about getting a fish. i think it's the only pet i would say yes to.

  12. So, so cute! I can't believe the little ones can even do a fish face!
