Sunday, December 21, 2008

On the ninth day of Christmas...

The Russes gave to me…

Halloween. Finally.

Pebbles 2008-10-24 Halloween Party 020

Bam Bam (flexing his muscles…)

2008-10-31 Halloween 079

and a beautiful butterfly (flapping her wings)

2008-10-24 Halloween Party 093

Back views…2008-10-31 Halloween 0762008-10-24 Halloween Party 095

We’ve been planning on having Abby and Zack be Pebbles and Bam Bam since last Halloween because we thought that they would be perfect this year. I think we were right. It fit their little personalities PERFECTLY!!

2008-10-31 Halloween 098

2008-10-24 Halloween Party 111

2008-10-24 Halloween Party 090

Lila said she wanted to be a butterfly and she never changed. She was thrilled with her costume!

2008-10-24 Halloween Party 030

Except when it got a little late (and I realized that all she’d eaten for dinner was candy…)

2008-10-31 Halloween 135

After she recovered she decided to show us all the many faces of Lila. (these are just a few!!)

2008-10-31 Halloween 144 2008-10-31 Halloween 151

We also took the kids to the mall to go trick or treating and caused quite a stir. This picture happened when people stopped us to ask if they could take a picture of our kids (actually it was the 3rd person to stop us.) People were staring and pointing at the babies (and Lila kept grinning and flapping her “wings” like she was saying “look at me, I’m cute too!!”) More than one person told me that Abby & Zack had “the best costumes ever!”

2008-10-31 Halloween 035

and yes, I am crazy and I did make them all. Thanks Tanya for the tutu tutorial!!


  1. Yes, I do love the pebbles and bam bam. Too cute, Em! I can't believe you made all of their costumes. I think Lila made a fantastic butterfly as well. How come I didn't know that's what they were being this year? I guess I don't talk to you very much anymore... so sad. Very cute pictures though.

  2. I'm catching up on your 12 days of Christmas and I am loving then all, but these costumes are the best! No offense when I make this reference, but have you seen bugs life? I love Lila's chub and the butterfly flapping her wings!!
