Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Though this title could refer to my rapidly expanding middle, it's also the nickname that Lila has affectionately given to the new little guy who is kicking around in my belly. If he's anything like the rest of our kids, I'm guessing that the name will fit! He's due in mid September (I'll do the math for you... Lila won't be 5 yet so we will have 4 kids ages 4 and under...)

It's strange after all of the years we ached to have a baby, that now I've got almost more than I can handle. Shortly after we found out we were pregnant, Johnny pointed out that we were going to be the kind of story I used to HATE to hear while we were trying so desperately to get pregnant "I have friends that tried for years to get pregnant. After they had 3 kids from IVF they just got pregnant on their own, so you never know... it could happen to you too!!" Anyway, don't tell your friends about me! :)

Johnny likes to joke that we really only tried to have two kids and are now having four. (Abby and Zack were a two for one package and "Chubby" was a surprise!!) Lila however is already planning for our next baby (a girl) so that Chubby can be a big brother. I tried to point out to her that if we always went with that plan we'd never stop having babies. That didn't really seem to bother her.

Zack thinks the baby wants to wrestle and he thinks Chubby likes it when he (Zack) kicks my stomach because the baby kicks back. I tried to explain the flaw in that too (the flaw being that a two year old kicking me in the stomach isn't my idea of comfortable) but he didn't get that either. And saying that Abby is thrilled about the baby is an understatement. This afternoon she said, "Yay, I get to have a baby of my VERY OWN to kiss EVERY day." I tried to tell her that the baby would be all of ours, but she's already claimed him as hers.

We are all excited for this new little miracle guy to join our family, though I'm feeling a little nervous about having 4 kids. I never thought I'd be surprised with a baby before so it's taken a little getting used. After Abby & Zack were born my doctor and I had a talk about birth control and I said that if "God wanted to send us a miracle baby we'd take it." And take him we sure will.


  1. That's right Chubby is a miracle baby and I'm excited to meet the little guy in September-ish. Tell Abby that I am claiming Chubby as mine! Hey, look on the bright side: at least this one has a decent nickname, not like Lila's nickname Cletus. Congrats Em and Johnny!

  2. congrats! wow, you never know what life has in store for you. i would be shocked as well if we ever got pregnant on our own! what a great suprise!

  3. That is awesome you guys! I agree that God ends up sending them when he wants anyway, so we should just go along with the flow. We're expecting our 3rd mid-July... and it's a boy too. We must all be insane having them quickly!!

  4. Emily, remember me? I am just so happy for you! Two girls and two boys, just perfect! I want to tell you that bringing home baby #3 was harder for me than bringing home baby #4. It's like when you have 3 you are already out numbered and you have learned to embrace the craziness that often over takes the house. It took some getting used to when I had 3, so when the 4th came along, it was not a big adjustment. I worried about 4 too but you will totally adjust to what you need to and be fine. Don't be worried, be excited! I remember back at BYU when you worked with Millie and how you longed to get pregnant. And now look at you! This is a blessing and you can't ask questions when blessings come!:) I love seeing your cute family grow. We really need to keep in touch. How is everything? How much longer do you have in Boston? What are your plans when you are done? I would love to hear from you. We are moving to Utah in a week! I can't believe it. Keep in touch!
    P.S. Stu says "HI" to Johnny

  5. Congratulations! I wish I could tell you a Chubby story that my grandma used to tell us, but you have to hear it in person for it to be funny. So next time you see us, ask me to tell you the Chubby story.

  6. YOWZA!

    Em, you are officially living my dream - 2 girls and 2 boys!

    All under the age of 5!!!!!

    BABY BOY, come on down!

    Just so you know, you have got my vote! I am completely and totally in your corner and I am chanting your NAME!


  7. I think I've had a glimps of the frumpy house mommy you have already become based upon the looks of the bath robe accoutered arm pouring green milk into your gullible little kids cereal bowl. It was probably after lunch time when the picture was taken. Anyway, you are not going to be able to handle four kids! It is way too much for you. Good luck, my wife has no problem handling our four but then again she is so freaking amazing.

    I am looking forward to competing for the Chubby's favorite uncle award. You are a player E-so-Flux and you'll do great!
    B Russ
