Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Where everybody knows your name?

Things at the Russ House are going well. We’ve had lots of requests for pictures but as every stranger I see will tell you my “hands are really full!”

Grandma “Jannie” was here for 3 awesome weeks. The kids had a great time with her and I really loved having someone to take care of all of us. There’s just nothing like having your mom around!

2009-10-13 Grandma Jan 033

2009-10-13 Grandma Jan 025

The kids have adjusted well to having a new little guy around the house. I’m still not always sure they know his name yet. Zack was talking to Grandpa Otis on the phone a few days after Alex was born and he said “We gave our Chubby a name but… I just can’t remember it!”

2009-10-05 004

They still call him Chubby a lot and he’s living up to his nickname (he weighed in at 12 pounds, 11 ounces today... 5 1/2 weeks old!) When they do use his name they either call him “Alex the Lion” (from Madagascar) or “Alex-the-Zander”.

Alex, sleeping during his entire first bath 2009-10-02 003

They’re all quite fond of him. Lila loves to hold and kiss him and is looking forward to the day when she can hold him standing up. Abby is quite the little mother and wants to take care of him CONSTANTLY.

2009-10-17 Abby Baby Bjorn 004

Zack likes being the big brother but can’t wait for the baby to get big enough to wrestle. (Though at the rate Alex’s thighs are growing it might have to be sumo wrestling!)

2009-10-21 brothers 008

For the most part though, it’s just business as usual around here… (note those awesome pink cowboy boots Abby’s sportin’!!)

2009-10-08 princess dress up 003


  1. So cute, So fun, and So many adventures. Makes me want to hug and hold them all. I loved being there too. Miss you all!!

  2. I personally love the one with Abby and the baby b'jorn (or whatever it's called) with her doll. I really can't belive how much she looks like she's grown up to me. Maybe it's just because I see her on my desktop picture everytime my computer boots up and she's little in the picture. Alex is soooo cute and I just want to hug and love and cuddle him. The picture of him on his first bath was precious. I love Zack and Alex the Xander's matching cute. And, I can see that Lila has gotten Abby into business as usual! :) I sure love your kids and I just wish they were around so that I could really be their favorite aunt ('cuz I TOTALLY would be!!!)
    Love you guys.

  3. I can't believe how big the twins are getting. All of the kids are so adorable! Hang in there, all of you Russ ladies are Super Women!

  4. they are all so cute. I knew Alex could do it and live up to his nickname...he is a russ baby after all. I love the big brother/little brother shirts. I love strangers comments. miss you!

  5. Oh and I can't forget to comment on Abby's curls! She's too cute!

  6. Oh Emily! I love the pictures! Alex is awesome! I love the picture of he and Zack in their brother shirts. What a perfect family!

  7. thank you, thank you, thank you for the update! i think about you all the time (and about the gift i haven't sent and now probably doesn't fit...i'm awesome like that) and am always wondering how in the world you're making it!!!! You amaze me, lady. My sanity is so highly based on the hours that certain children spend at preschool and joyschool...i really don't know how you're managing to run your own little preschool on top of everything else. Really. Honestly. Amazing.

    keep the posts and the AMAZING photos coming!!!! in all that free time you have, you know...

  8. I also love the "little brother/big brother" picture--that one's just killin' me! And I'm glad to hear that things are going so well at the Russ house. Happy Halloween!
