Friday, April 22, 2011

Don’t Eat Pete Update

We played Don’t Eat Pete again today and I had a genius idea I had to share. I was getting annoyed that the eggs kept rolling away but the kids were having so much fun with the eggs they didn’t want to play it without them. We were also having a hard time figuring out which squares had been eaten because they were putting the egg back on it’s square.

So, I tore the eggs in half (or if your eggs aren’t hooked together you could just use the one half) and we hid the treat underneath. Then when they had eaten that treat they just set it to the side. Perfection!

I took this with my cell phone in case my description didn’t make sense…IMAG0672


  1. We played it today and my kids loved it. Yummy!

  2. Don't Eat Pete has been a family favorite since I was a little kid. I used to have my own version in my "Babysitting Kit" when I was like 12. Ha! I love the Easter version though, we'll have to bust out all that Easter candy I'm trying to get rid of and play it this way before it's time to pack away all those eggs. I LOVE your posts, keep 'em coming!
