Sunday, March 9, 2008

When Two Whirls Collide

Abby (on the right) was blessed with not one but two swirls gracing the crown of her head!

The swirls spiral in towards each other. Their collision results in this spectacular crest down the middle of Abby's head.

At least now she has these cute curls for camouflage.

And fortunately, our resident 'Little Mermaid' has volunteered to teach Abby how to use a dinglehopper to address any other styling issues she may have in the future.


  1. How cute!!! I can't wait to see you guys.

  2. That was quite an amuzing post! I'm impressed with Abby's mowhawk! Wow!!!
    Your kids are so big, Em! I was thinking about it yesterday and I really cannot believe how much your kids have grown. I can't wait to see you guys and to spend every waking (non-working) moment with you guys! Love you!

  3. I love it! I'm still laughing about Lila's dinglehopper. Oh, that is so cute!

  4. So cute!! Lila is hilarious and I love Abby's hair. Those curls are to die for.

  5. Awesome pictures and super cute post! I can not believe how grown up they all are.

  6. so cute. I love the mohawk. And I can't believe how much and how curly little Abby's hair is. I miss you guys. Can you please make your kids stop growing up. I am missing it all.

  7. 3 of my 5 kids have a double crown. My sister-in-law's dad says that makes them royal.
    With girls it is easier to tame.
    Good Luck

  8. Yeah, nice double swirl toddler mullet abby!

  9. oh my HECK! i can't believe that i found your blog. I don't even know how i did it. i am so glad that i did! I had to hurry and write a comment before i surfed your blog to see how your cute family is doing. I am so excited! How are you, where are you? i am really loving this blogging thing, i have found some friends that i once knew, lost them and know i founf them and get to know them again. Come and say hi! i willbe adding you to my blog roll, let me know if that is not ok. Please, come and say hi! We can be friends again! i don't know if you remember that book that you gave me for my wedding, my 3 girls love it! It is one of their favorite book! So happy to find you! Have a fabulous day!

  10. Our sweet little Abby! She needs to have something different of her own. She is a sweetie, I sure love her. And Ariel, that is so funny. Love you all.
