Monday, June 23, 2008

If All The Rain Drops Were...

Chocolate covered peanut butter balls,

Oh what a rain it would be.

Standing outside with my mouth open wide,

Ahh Ah Ah Ahh,

Ah Ah Ahhh,

Ah Ah Ahh,

Oh what a rain it would be!

Some of our best family nights are those that require the least planning.


  1. Looks like fun! We always had hectic family nights where everyone was either jumping around or fighting. That was the case pretty much until the youngest was 12 or so.

  2. The depth of field on that first picture of the peanut butter balls with Lila in the background is GREAT!!!!

  3. Mmmm! What a creative idea for a post. Looks like tons of fun.

  4. I love the picture of Lila as and airplane and Abby with Johnny. The toddler bellies are pretty dang cute too. Bryt is so skinny, but boy does he have the toddler belly. Cute post, I've heard that song a bunch on Barney lately...beware.

  5. Emily,

    I just wanted to stop by for a minute and check out your cute life. Your kids are so cute. Your blog is adorable. I loving being inspired by your great mothering!!


  6. that was such a cute post! i loved it. i may have that song stuck in my head for a while though.

  7. So I just took a bunch of pics of my kids playing in the rain too. It is finally warm enough. UUMM chocolate covered peanut butter balls...I bet it only takes a few of those before you get really sick. I want to kiss those babies chocolate faces.

  8. Looks like a lot of fun! Can we come to the next family night at the Russ'?

  9. These are just great pictures. What a fun night. Miss ALL of you!

  10. "Oh what a fat pig I would be"

  11. Glad to see you are using your PB! So much for my peanut butter balls! You had to add chocolate. :) You are always making things better... :) Cute pictures. By the way, Greg has not stopped talking about your camera, and ours is on the fritz! Thanks for the fun we had with you guys. We love you!
