Sunday, December 14, 2008

On the third day of Christmas…

The Russes gave to me…

A new pair of shoes. When my children are being irrational, I will often choose to respond in kind. Unfortunately Lila usually calls my bluff (black milk, low-rider, sidewalk). On this particular day Emily was going out back with the kids and Lila wouldn’t put on her shoes to go outside, and she wouldn’t go bare foot either. After Lila refused every single pair of footwear that she owns and continued to beg me to find something to put on her feet so she could go outside, I finally sarcastically suggested that I could put plastic bags on her feet and duct tape them on. Lila thought that was a fantastic idea…

2008-07-07 bag feet 001

2008-07-07 bag feet 006

2008-07-07 bag feet 008

P.S. Yes we did miss a day. However, we have a good excuse. Emily comes from the school of thought that advent calendars should end on the 24th and that 12th day of Christmas falls on Christmas Eve. I think we should be on track now to finish this and our advent calendars properly on the 25th as Santa intended.


  1. Haha! This is great. I don't know what is more awesome about the plastic bag shoes, the duct tape or the view of the bandaid on Lila's little toe!

  2. This is hilarious! Oh that Lila makes me laugh! I sure do miss her!

  3. Okay that's funny. You really do have a way with being creative with them. How funny!

  4. I remembered why she wouldn't wear shoes... it was because of the bandaid. Crazy girl.

  5. I just want to say mad props on the 12 days of christmas theme you have going. I have been sitting cracking up reading these. I miss your kids and can't wait to see them again. Sad I only get to see them once or twice a year.
