Tuesday, November 24, 2009

For Grandma..

Alex at one month (a month ago)

2009-10-22 Alex 0182009-10-22 Alex 0272009-10-22 Alex 015 2009-10-22 Alex 029 2009-10-22 Alex 016


  1. Oh, Alex is so cute. For the first time he reminds me of Lila. Something in his eyes I think. I sure wish I could hold him. I am going to find a way to visit even if it just for a weekend.

  2. Thanks for letting me hold him today. Again, I can't believe how grown up he looks already. I feel like I didn't see him for weeks even though it was more like days!

  3. The next post can be titled: "For Aunt Tami" with lots of pictures as well. Liz, maybe Alex reminds you of Lila because he's a chunker. He really is living up to his name...Chubby. Cute picturees and I especially like the dimple.

  4. For Grandma...and ME! Such a cutie!

  5. *mwah*
    he is soo cute. Looks so much like your other kids (i think).

    (p.s. we did the gratitude garland and LOVED it! thanks for the idea)

  6. I agree with Liz. What a cute little baby! I am thankful for Blogs so I can see pictures. Lots of Love. Thanks MLE
