Monday, December 14, 2009

On The First Day Of Christmas…

The Russes gave to me…

A new set of eyes.1st day-1 1st day-2 

We never made a formal announcement because Lila insisted on keeping it a secret all year, so she could surprise her grandmas when we visited them last summer, but as many of you know, Lila got glasses. As part of the deal, she had to wear a patch for an hour every day for a few months. One of her eyes had a much stronger prescription, and if it didn’t have to work on its own, then her brain wouldn’t develop the machinery to process the sharper images produced by the glasses. I found a pattern off of the internet and Emily hand sewed a couple of patches for Lila. Then we let her decorate them however she wanted with stuff from the crafts box. My personal favorite was her googly eyed patch.

1st day-3

As you see from the title of this post we are going to try and pull off the wildly popular 12 days of Christmas posts like we did last year. See the December 2008 posts if you are new ( So over the next few days we will be catching you all up on the posts we planned but never did for 2009.


  1. Awww I kind of miss the "Mad Eye Moody" patch!!

  2. Haha, Emily's right, that is like Mad Eye Moody! How funny. I love how Abby is trying to get the wiggly eyes to stay on her own eyes. Cracks me up! I am excited for your 12 days of christmas.

  3. Abby looks like the girl born without a face. Except cuter of course! I'm excited to see what the future of Christmas posts holds!

  4. Lila is sooo cute! I love her patch. And her fingernails!
