Saturday, November 20, 2010

We’ve got worms…

We celebrated Halloween in style this year and had a super "Spookee" dinner.

2010-10-31 Halloween 003

2010-10-31 Halloween 044

Lila (and her Kindergarten spelling) worked up a menu for us and featured some of our favorites...

2010-10-31 Halloween 023

brans in skolz (brains and skulls, skulls not pictured)

bons (bones)

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momes (mummies)

2010-10-31 Halloween 019

gost ibolz (ghost eyeballs)

toos uv monstrz (toes of monsters)

wich feeingrz (witch fingers)

2010-10-31 Halloween 014

wrms (worms)2010-10-31 Halloween 012

swomp wodr (swamp water)

the kids really thought we went and scooped this out of the lake... it was even bubbling... awesome!
2010-10-31 Halloween 018

toomstonz (tombstones)2010-10-31 Halloween 004

Not pictured:
peepl feeingrz (people fingers),
jragin hortz dipd in spitr blud (dragon hearts dipped in spider blood.. really chocolate covered strawberries...)
bludee dip (bloody dip)
ogr spit (ogre spit)

The highlight of the dinner was definitely the "worms". They were incredible.
2010-10-31 Halloween 055

I let Lila take some leftovers to school in her lunch the next day and she said the kids were all grossed out. No one believed her that they weren't real.
2010-10-31 Halloween 051

It was awesome!2010-10-31 Halloween 045

This is definitely a tradition we are going to continue!!
2010-10-31 Halloween 026

Happy Halloween (just a teensy bit late!)2010-10-31 Halloween 033


  1. I love this, and have always wanted a Halloween dinner as cool as yours.

  2. SOOOO Awesome lady!!! I love Lila's menu, priceless. I still can't figure out the worms, they look so real, tell me how????

  3. holy mother of martha stewart. that looks AWESOME.

  4. wow, that looks like it was a boat load of work!

    And it looks like was a huge success!

    way to go, Em!

  5. wow, that looks like a truck load of work!

    it also looks like was a HUGE success!

    Way to go, Em.

    (and what in the creepiness where those worms made from?!)

  6. of course you outdid yourself. You are awesome. Can I come for Halloween next year? And what are the worms? Gross...
