Thursday, October 11, 2007

For katieo

And Kates... since I had my scrapbook out, this one's for you (and Kinz, Lees, & Monica if they're reading...)

Em, Katie, Kinz, & Lees... 1999
Kinzie, Katie, Lisa, Emily & Monica (Roommates at the Reeg)


  1. Boy am I glad I decided to check in on your fantastic blog today!! Haha! Oh man, those were the days! Em, thanks so much for posting these awesome pics...brings back great memories. I can't wait 'til our next reunion!

  2. ohmygosh I look SOOO hot in that first one.

    (and the REEEEEEG! I loved seeing it again!)

  3. Lila's gotten soo big and Zack and Abby are big too. I remember when they were just born and now they are walking and talking. I really like the picture of Lila smashing play doh into the rug.
