Saturday, December 15, 2007

The impossible...

My mom left this afternoon. She's been here for a week and it was so incredible to have her here! We've been working hard to get my house clean and organized and after she left this afternoon I finished up a few things that needed to be done. I know this is kind of a lame post, but if you know me (and have ever seen my messy house) you'll understand how HUGE this is for me...

So, I am proud to report that with the help of "Grandma Jannie" every single piece of laundry in my house is clean right now (and folded and put away!!) except for one lone orange shirt and a few rags. It's quite the miracle really.

There's a problem though when all my laundry is done... I don't have anywhere to put it! The drawers are busting open and we've run out of hangers...

Man, it feels good Thanks Grandma Jannie. We miss you already!!

p.s. I took pictures of my empty laundry baskets but decided not to totally bore you to death!! And more on our fun with Grandma coming soon. I have to keep the house clean so I don't have much time to blog! :)


  1. Is that dang door painted? JK, plz dont kill me, c u guys at Christmas.

  2. Maybe I can convince mom to come to my house next...

  3. WOW!! That is awesome. Amazing what an extra set of arms can bring.
