Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Thug Life

Johnny: "Lila, what happened to your arms?"
Lila: "I got tattoos!"

Johnny: "What do your tattoos say? Do they say 'Thug Life'?"
Lila: "No! not 'Thug Life', they say 'Bug's Life'!"

There you have it. That is the real message all those Disney movies are instilling in our kids. Lila has been great about only writing on paper we have given to her and nothing else. This was her adventure into getting some 'ink' on herself. Mostly we are curious how she learned about tattoos.


  1. I saw on your blog that you know Nate and Andrea...that is who we stayed with when we went to Boston. We also stayed with the Shephards. Nate stayed with us in Gainesville when he was interviewing at UF - Small world!!

  2. Lila Bean!! I love the picture of her face, she looks sheepish.

  3. Oh, Lila is so funny! I love that age...they surprise you with how creative they are! You'd better watch the pens and markers from now on!!!

  4. This is HILARIOUS! Love it. And the pic below... AWESOME. :)

  5. That is so cute! I hope you guys have a great christmas :)

  6. She looks like true "sack cloth and ashes" hehehe

  7. That is too cute...I think that she and my boys would get along GREAT!!!
