Thursday, September 13, 2007

Cinderella's Winter Luau

Cinderella Dress... zero dollars (thanks Aunt Amy)
Coconut Bra & Grass Skirt... zero dollars (thanks Grandma Liz)
Pretty Pretty Princess Jewelery... zero dollars (thanks Aunt Nat)
Snow Boots... zero dollars (thanks Andrea & Emma)
Care Bear Book... zero dollars (thanks Cassi)

Wearing them all together... Priceless!


  1. Sure wish I could have been the at Cinderella's Winter Luau. Would have been great! How adorable! Lila sure is cute. I want to know if she dressed herself like that all by herself though. Hilarious!

  2. how cute is this. i want a little girl sooooo bad. AHHH! I could just oogle over her all day she's soo stinkin cute!

  3. I'm so glad that Lila is liking the boots. We sure as heck wont need them here! Man does this place EVER cool down?? It is still 90 and as humid as ever!!! What fun pictures! You guys are SO awesome. I have been laughing my head off reading this blog. What great parents. I love the stories about the night times.....I can relate at least a little bit. We miss you all Love, Andrea Emma and Hyrum (and Nate and Jake)
