Thursday, September 27, 2007

Would you like to lick the sidewalk?

At dinner the other night Lila insisted on sitting back and putting her dirty feet up on the table. After telling her to take them down several times, and her asking why not several times. I decided that perhaps I could explain this to her in way that she would understand. I proceeded to explain that her feet were dirty because they are on the ground, and we don't want dirt on our plates or in our food. I thought I would seal the lesson with the rhetorical question, "Would you want to lick the sidewalk in front of our house?" To my surprise Lila smiled and said, "Yes." And thus our battle of the wills had begun. I said, "OK, Honey, lets go outside and you can lick the sidewalk." Emily was going to stop me but settled with, "If you let her lick the sidewalk then you have to lick it too." Convinced Lila wouldn't do it, I agreed.

Well Lila licked it alright.

She said it was, "Yucky, Yucky, Yucky!"

As for me, it wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be.

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