Friday, September 14, 2007

In The Middle Of The Night ...

Emily & Lila
First let me state categorically that I am amazed everyday at how wonderful Emily is with Lila, Abby, and Zack. She really is spectacular. Until recently, however, I usually only saw her in action during the day. Shortly after the twins were born it was clear to both of us that the normal sleeping arrangements weren't working. Emily didn't have room to nurse two babies and I had a little bit of trouble sleeping while being kicked in the face. As a result I have usually been spending my nights rotating between the couch and the futon depending one what kind of mood I am in (and we wonder why I have been having back problems recently).

I often wondered how Emily was making it through nights with all of the feedings and going on no sleep. Recently things have settled down a little. The twins mostly sleep through the night and don't nurse at night (at least they aren't supposed to). As I have moved back into our room, I realized that Emily has been surviving by going into some sort of autopilot mode at night. I am pretty sure she does everything she needs to with out really waking up all the way.

Let me illustrate with a few stories I have observed recently.

Sometimes when one the babies makes a little noise or movement, Emily will go get them out of the crib and bring them into the bed and start to nurse them. When I ask her what she is doing, it seems as if I wake her up. She asks what time it is (thinking that it's morning) and when I reply that we just went to sleep an hour ago. Emily replies, "Awww, man."

Frequently if I move during the night Emily will pull the "stop short" move on me. I will be rudely awakened as she slams her forearm across my chest. When questioned she invariably tells me she thought that Abby or Zack was falling out of the bed.

The other night Emily wakes me up, hands me Zack, and says take her out while I try to get Zack to go back to sleep. I confusedly look at the baby I am holding to make sure I have the identity right, and then ask, "But isn't this Zack?" Then Emily looks at the baby she is holding and sees that it is Abby. As I leave I hear her say, "Ohhh, I am so confused."

On another night, Emily was nursing Zack. However, as previously noted Emily is prone to identity mistakes when in autopilot mode, and she believed she was feeding Abby. So naturally she went to put Abby (really Zack) back in the crib when done. She only fully woke up and realized what what had happened when she laid Zack down right on top of Abby.

This all culminated a couple of nights ago. Emily wakes me up and tells me to hold on to Zack to make sure he doesn't roll out of the bed while she goes to the bathroom. She gets up and leaves whilst I grope around the bed trying to find something that resembles a baby. Unable to find anything I go back to sleep (not because I am that apathetic about my parental duties, but because I realize now that Emily has delusions in the night). Only in the morning did I realize how serious the situation was. Not only did Emily think that I was holding Zack for her the night before, she thought she was bringing Abby with her to the bathroom. It was only after a minute or two in the bathroom that she noticed she was holding a pillow! Both the babies were in their crib the whole night.

Many of you have made comments to Emily like, "I don't know how you do it, I would lose my mind." I just thought you might feel better knowing that Emily is losing hers as well. Even more amazing is the she is a fabulous mother even in this state of mind.


  1. It's a sad but true account given here! I mean... I can't even tell the difference between my child and my pillow.

  2. Ha! This is hilarious... mostly because I do the very same thing. STILL. It was the worst right after we had Sam. I'd reach out and feel Matt's elbow and then tell Matt to roll over so he wouldn't smash Sam. Or I yell out "Sam! Don't do that!" and grab Matt. Or, or, or.

    Should be nice to know that even when you only have 1 and he's almost 2, you can still "lose your narbles". :)

  3. that was so funny. Thanks for the laugh. I did so many things like that after i had nicholas that my doctor insisted on a catskan. i would turn in tithing checks and forget to fill them out. a blank signed check.... wow! and i would frantically start looking for andrew while in the store and then realize i left him home with clint(this is what happens when you always bring kids with you to the store) and i always had repeat conversations which drove Clint cRazY! i'd ask him how work was and he would go on for 10 min. then i'd ask him how work was again like 5 times. it was so embarassing. that is soooo cute that jonny notices all of these things. you guys are still soooo adorable.

  4. That was great! Ok- I am really lame because I am only nursing one at night and I seem to be out of my mind as well. I guess it's a mom thing. Emily- I still think you're amazing. Nursing two at once- you are super woman!

  5. Soooo...the truth comes out. Funny how when I ask you how you are functioning when you stay up until 1 and 2 in the morning when you know you have to get up in 4 or 5 hours and you just laugh and say, "I don't know, I just do it". Thanks Johnny for letting us know the real Emily. These stories were hilarious!

  6. I have been laughing out loud reading this post! This was hilarious! Emily I don't know how you do it, even on auto pilot. I'm barely making it with 2 kids who are potty trained, and almost totally self sufficient, not to mention sleeping through the night. I commend you for all you do, and hope that I'm never in your shoes!! :)
